Allergen Information

Food allergies can generate quite high health risks. For this reason, the European Union has intervened by defining a specific regulation for the food industry. In this regard, it has identified a list of 14 food allergens, although not exhaustive illustrated in the list below:

- Crustaceans: both marine and freshwater crustaceans (e.g. prawns, shrimps, scampi, lobsters, lobsters, etc.);

- Eggs: all foods that contain eggs, even in small quantities, whether cooked or raw (mayonnaise, emulsifiers, egg pasta, sweet and savory doughs, creams, ice creams, etc.);

- Nuts: pistachios, almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts and all varieties of nuts, derivatives and products containing these ingredients;

- Gluten: cereals and derivatives (e.g. wheat, rye, barley, oats, spelt, kamut, etc.);

- Fish: all types of fish and derived products (including isinglass, with rare exceptions);

- Peanuts: peanuts, products derived from or containing as ingredients (peanut oil, peanut butter, peanut flour, creams and snacks);

- Soy: soy, derivatives and products containing this ingredient (with the exception of some derivatives, including refined soybean oils and fats);

- Sesame: both in whole seeds (e.g. for coating bread and biscuits), and used as an ingredient or derivative, also present in minimal traces (sometimes mixed in flours and condiments);

- Milk: milk, derivatives Celery: present as an ingredient, even in small quantities, or in derivative products (broths, preparations for soups, sauces and vegetable concentrates);

- and products in general containing lactose (with the exception of whey used for the manufacture of alcoholic distillates);

- Mustard: mustard and mustard, present as an ingredient, even in small quantities, or in derivative products;

- Sulfur dioxide and sulphites (SO2): in concentrations higher than 10 mg/kg or 10 mg/l (usually present as preservatives in canned fish products, pickled products, in oil and brines, jams, vinegar, dried mushrooms, soft drinks, fruit juices etc.);

- Lupins: present as an ingredient, even in small quantities, or in derivative products (due to its high protein value, it is often included in the preparation of industrial and non-industrial vegan products, such as hamburgers and vegan cured meats, flours and similar);

- Molluscs: molluscs and seafood, present as an ingredient or base for derivatives.

Allergies to distillates such as wine spirit (brandy), marc spirit (grappa) are rare. The health risk in these cases is due to the potential development of intolerances or allergies due to the presence of traces of acetaldehyde or volatile substances coming from grapes and wine.

It is recommended not to drink these products for those suffering from allergies or intolerances to alcohol, acetaldehyde, grapes, wine, oak, sulphites, oak wood.

Equally rare are allergies to spirits such as Gin, Distilled gin and London Dry Gin. Although rectified grain alcohol is used, gluten or proteins in general are hardly present in these products as they have a boiling point which is much higher than the the temperature range in which the distillation is carried out. Even in this case, however, one must be careful of volatile substances (e.g. terpenes) which are practically identical to those substances found in perfumes and essential oils. It should also be noted that the botanicals used for the production of these products have values that comply with the regulations on pesticides, microbial load, aflatoxins, ochratoxin, heavy metals, PAH-Benzoapyrene, radioactivity and allergens. Some botanicals, however, may contain traces of sulphites.

It is recommended not to consume these products for those suffering from allergies or intolerances to alcohol, wheat, essential oils, perfumes, sulphites.

As far as liqueurs are concerned, allergies are less rare in this case becouse the production processes allow the presence of some traces of proteins, fats, nuts, sulphites (only in some cases). Therefore, if you are allergic or intolerant to alcohol, acetaldehyde, herbs, spices, aromas, essential oils, perfumes, sulphites, wheat, nuts, fruit, sulphites, oak, acacia, ash, cherry, mulberry wood it is advisable not to consume these products.

Unfortunately, the company secret imposes not to reveal the herbs, spices or aromas used, therefore, in any case prudence is recommended in the consumption of these products and to pay close attention to the onset of symptoms such as those listed below and which can generally arise within 1-2 hours of their consumption:

- heachache

- swelling (e.g. face, tongue, etc.)

- redness of the face and arms

- breathing problems

- dizziness

- fainting or tachycardia

- photophobia.

In all these cases it is recommended to contact your doctor, call 112 (ex 118) or go to the emergency room.

Furthermore, it is noted that:

- correctly maintained and sanitized materials are used for the production and conservation of alcoholic products, such as: 314 or 316 stainless steel, copper, glass, synthetic materials (caps) and/or silicones (gaskets).

- for the operations of transfer or bottling, pipes in stainless steel or in materials certified for food use and resistant to the action of acids and alcohols are used.

- The stainless steel pipes of the systems are TIG (Tungsten Inert Gas) welded, a method that allows for welding pieces of metal ensuring a very low risk of metal release in contact with acids and alcohols, compliant with the health and hygiene regulations on the food and chemical-pharmaceutical environment.

Also in this case, although the possibility of material release is very low, caution is recommended to those suffering from metal allergies (copper, steel and related metals).

Finally, we inform you that no technological co-adjuvants such as albumin, animal gelatin, vegetable proteins, isinglass are used for the production of alcoholic products.

The table below summarizes, by way of example but not exhaustively, the ingredients to which attention must be paid when consuming certain product categories, especially for those with allergies or intolerances:


descr. ACELTAL_
sulfur dioxide or sulphites VOLATILes from grapes VOLATILES FROM wine oak VOLATILes DEL wheat wheat protein and fats Volatiles Essential Oils from Herbs, Spices, Fruits and Nuts Proteins and Fats from Herbs, Spices, Fruits and Nuts
London Dry gin,
distilled gin, gin
- - - - - YES NO YES NO
Grappa, brandy Possible in traces Possible in traces YES YES Possible NO NO NO NO
Liqueurus (1),(2) Possible in traces for wine-based liqueurus or wine spirits Possible in traces Possible Possible Possible Possible Possible YES Possible

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